Linux is a proven technology that is highly reliable, and the ARM processor family is known for high performance on very low power requirements. Linux被证明是一种高可靠性的技术,而ARM处理器以能在非常低的电源需求下发挥高性能而著称。
Binary compatibility is the ability to take a binary and run it on multiple environments of a given processor family. 二进制兼容性是获得二进制代码并在给定处理器家族的多种环境中运行它的能力。
As discussed previously, this interface can be architecture dependent, even within the same processor family. 正如前面讨论的一样,这个接口依赖于体系结构,甚至在相同的处理器家族内也是如此。
Describes the architecture of a processor family. 对一种处理器架构的描述。
However, it has added a USB 3.0 port, which is 10 times faster than the prevalent 2.0 standard, and upgraded it to the 2011 Intel processor family. 但R830还是加上了一个USB3.0接口(速度比作为现行主流标准的USB2.0快10倍),并将处理器升级至英特尔2011年的新款。
A globally unique identifier for the processor. This identifier may only be unique within a processor family. 处理器的全局唯一标识符。这个标识符只在一个处理器家族中是唯一的。
The MIPS processor family is an excellent example. MIPS处理器族是极好的例子。
IXP Network Processor family is the product of Intel company. IXP系列网络处理器是Intel公司的产品。